OrphanCare Donation
Each 500 Bites points donation helps fund a school meal for children in need. This encourages and support them to continue their education.
What effect hunger has on the academic performance of students going to class without food on a daily basis.
The child’s physical & psychological needs are met only when the home situation is stable. A hungry stomach clouds the mind’s ability to think and might lead to psychosocial vulnerabilities. Subsequent results of hunger in students include high rates of failure, drop-outs and prolonged stays in the academic system. Therefore, OrphanCare Foundation works to give children who are in institutions whose life are at risk, the opportunity to grow up in a loving home. OrphanCare supports the families so they are able to give their children the love & care they need.
Reintegration is a careful process of reuniting a child from an institution back into the care of his or her family. If a child cannot be reintegrated with his or her natural parents or extended family, the child can be adopted. OrphanCare’s reintegration programme’s priority is always for the child’s wellbeing and safety.
The social worker identifies needs of the client and family – financial assistance, groceries, school uniforms, job placement, housing issues, educational support, etc. – and studies ways to meet these needs.
OrphanCare will solicit help from multiple sources – corporations, charitable organisations, NGOs, etc. The priority is sustaining the family unit into whose care the child is released. The social worker will then follow up and make regular Post Reintegration Care Plans.
“500 Bites points to fund a school meal” plays a small role in ‘Reintegration’ process. Each donation goes a long way.
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